Pack 802 Quote

Everything that happens in Pack 802 happens as a result of adult and parent volunteers. Volunteers can register to become a scout leader and complete training and eventually run the program from the Den or Pack levels. Some volunteers will choose to participate as part of the Pack committee or on event committees. Others prefer to assist in a lesser but still important capacity such as volunteering to help out den and Pack meetings by bringing supplies, helping manage the scouts, or offering suggestions for activities.

Whatever a person's individual talents are, we need and want your help and will find a volunteer position for you - either short or long term. Without any doubt it is the assistance of our volunteers that makes the Pack 802 scouting program successful. A good Pack cannot and will not run on its own, it needs dedicated volunteers like just like you to keep it going.

Our Pack Committee Chairs and Den Leaders meet once a month at our Committee Meeting. Each and every parent is welcome and encouraged to attend. If you are interested in filling a particular position on the Pack committee, on a working committee, or at the den level please contact a committee member / den leader today so that you can start helping us build a better tomorrow.

Each adult wanting to volunteer will be required to fill out a BSA Adult application.
Effective June 1, 2010...Youth Protection Training is required for all BSA registered volunteers, regardless of their position. You can read more information by going to
Youth Protection Training Online - This site provides access to online courses that may be taken for credit by our members.

Research shows that a trained unit leader will retain 18% more youth than an untrained leader. For example, the leading reason youth cite for leaving Scouting is boring meetings. A trained leader knows how to keep youth excited and interested. Plus, parents expect that their children will be led by a qualified, trained leader.

Below are some of the different types of training that you can recieve as a volunteer for our Cub Scout Pack.

  Fast Start Training: The first training for leaders. Video or online offered to cub Scout, Boy Scout, Varsity Scout and Venturing leaders. gives the very basic information a leader needs to be a leader and to begin conducting unit meetings
  New Leader Essentials: Should be completed prior to a position "Specific" training. Ninety-minute classroom training for all leaders in any program or position. Gives basic background on the BSA, its purpose, structure, aims, and methods.
  Cub Scout Leader Specific Training: A 3 ½ hour classroom training for all Cub Scout leaders. Includes breakout sessions on specific positions within a Pack.
  Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation (BALOO): A one day training course for Cub Scout leaders to help them plan a camping trip for their Cub Scouts.
  Webelos Outdoor Leader Training (OWL): A one-day training course for Webelos leaders and other Cub Scout leaders who may become Webelos leaders. teaches the outdoor skills necessary to run an effective outdoor program for Webelos.
  Woodbadge Training for the 21st Century: A two weekend or one week training course for all registered leaders who have completed the specific or basic training for their position. This is the highest level of leadership training offered to adults in the BSA. Concentrates on good organization, management, and communication skills.
  University of Scouting: A one day training event for all Cub Scout, Boy Scout, and Venture Leaders as well as for district leaders. All areas of program, service and district are included. See more details under University of Scouting.
Youth Protection Training Online - This site provides access to online courses that may be taken for credit by our members.
This site is not supported nor sponsored by the Boy Scouts of America and as such should not be regarded as official.
Any errors or omissions in the content of the website are unintentional, please contact us with any that you might find.